Week of 4.9.17
Practicing the Examen
This week, at the end of each evening, light a candle and ask God to help you listen to your life through this Examen exercise. Review your day by scrolling slowly backwards through the last 24 hours and notice the moments of consolation, and the moments of desolation. Ask yourself some or all of these questions:
- What or who gives me energy? What or who drains my energy?
- What filled me with joy or a sense of satisfaction? What steals my joy?
- For what am I most grateful? For what am I least grateful?
- When did I feel most alive? When did I feel most exhausted?
- When today did I have the greatest sense of belonging? When did I have the least sense of belonging?
Spend some time in prayer in gratitude and/or confession. You may want to jot down your moment of greatest consolation and greatest desolation. Over the week, notice patterns and pray about what might need to change in your life as a result.
Blow out the candle and rest in Him.