You can view, listen and subscribe to our podcast by clicking the button below. To listen to sermons from our current (or more recent) series, audio tracks are provided on this page. At the bottom of this page is a link to our Stand Alone Sermons— messages given outside of a series.
We all want more, in the economy of the Kingdom death brings life. The Resurrection is made possible through the cross. Our way forward as citizens of the Kingdom is to die to self and carry our cross. We will spend the next 6 weeks [40 days] on a path of descent in a way of formation and preparation of the life God wants to bring to us and to our world.
Sermon series are shown in order of latest to oldest. Please note, this page shows only sermon series post January, 2014.
Jesus told his disciples that there are plenty of things to get worried and anxious about in this life, but instead of letting those things consume us, we ought to channel our desires for satisfaction to a full on pursuit of God and his priorities. It’s from that place of pursuit that God meets us, satisfies our longings, and brings us more than enough of what we need.
Advent is a spiritual journey that Christians take through the truths of Scripture that point to the birth of Messiah-- it’s a reaffirmation that he has come, is present in the world today, and will come again in glory. It mirrors the journey of faith that Christians make after that moment of realization and acceptance of who Jesus is, in that we take that first step of faith in commitment, continue hopefully to walk the road of faith and increasing understanding, and look forward to our destination, which is to be in his presence forever!
“The Lord is coming, always coming. When you have ears to hear and eyes to see, you will recognize him at any moment of your life. Life is Advent; life is recognizing the coming of the Lord.”
- Henri Nouwen
For much of human history we have lived in an in-between, a place of tension. We are glad that we’re not where we were at one point; yet we still find ourselves short of the destination where we long to be. We have a vision of where we are supposed to be that is so much better than the present, but we have not arrived.
In the story of Joshua we find a bigger story. The story of God and His people who He has already freed from Egypt. God promised them a better Land with blessing, protection, and prosperity. And although they are on the cusp, they find themselves not fully experiencing it’s fullness yet.
Over the next 10 weeks we will look at the person of Joshua and how God aligned a people to walk in sync with Him through an in-between time into His preferred future for them.
Theme: Psalm 65:2 says, “You who answer prayer, to you all people will come.” Regardless of where the people of God found themselves throughout the scriptures, God’s ear was always bent towards them. The blood of Abel, the cry of the oppressed in Egypt, the voice of a barren woman, the prayer of the: outcast, destitute, hungry, and the lost. Prayer is the vehicle that God has chosen to commune with us. Prayer is also what God used to birth the NT church. In a time where there is so much turmoil and confusion, God invites us to seek him and call on his name where we are at.
“Prayer is actually the most impactful and powerful thing we can do. Though it feels weak, this is how God has determined to release His kingdom.” — Prayer: Why Our Words to God Matter by Corey Russell
Over the next 12 weeks we will look at the posture of prayer that God responds to and some well known prayers of people in the Old and New Testament. As a community we will pursue & practice being a people prayer for one another, our city, & ultimately the Kingdom.
Resurrection does not have to do exclusively with what happens after we are buried or cremated. It does have to do with that, but first of all it has to do with the way we live right now. -Eugene Peterson
The resurrection wasn’t a one off event, it was meant to shape all of eternity, beginning now. Over the next 6 weeks leading up until Pentecost/Ascension we will explore some of the occurrences when the disciples encountered the resurrected Christ.
Without a vision, it’s hard to clearly see our way forward. Jesus has given us his church a vision— to fill the earth with the life of heaven. How do we do that? We are going dive into our specific mission here at Reality Church Boston that we’ve discerned over the years, and the values that shape how we live out the gospel here in our city.
It is noted from historians and scholars that the Christians of the early church were not known for their buildings, programs, or even their denominations. They were known for their JOY. Though they experienced trials, persecutions, even being jailed for their faith, joy was the constant anchoring strength of their souls. In a world searching for fleeting happiness, the book of Philippians points to an indestructible joy found in the good news of Jesus.
We often come to Christmas with the child, Jesus, already in the Manger with angelic singing, Magi with gifts in hand, and Mary and Joseph welcoming their son into the world. For some, it could feel that this just happened out of the blue— a spur of the moment new thing that God just decided to do. But what we find in reading the prophets of the Old Testament, in particular the Minor Prophets, is that God has been preparing all of creation for the coming of Jesus well before the famous Manger scene. Join us this Advent as we journey through God's great redemption plan for the world through his Son.
“[Answers] give us more of a feeling of success and closure... Easy answers instead of hard questions allow us to try to change others instead of allowing God to change us.”
Jesus asks a lot of questions. In fact, It’s estimated Jesus asks —307 different questions in the gospels. Jesus was much more of a question asker than an advice giver. But why does Jesus ask so many questions? Why doesn’t He just give a neat list of spiritual tips? Maybe it’s because The right question can open the door to radical transformation! In this 11 week series we’ll learn to honestly address and courageously ask life changing questions.
David was a man who had deep flaws, but was also a man after God’s own heart. He had a light side and a shadow side. King David is also a mere shadow, pointing to the ultimate King, Jesus. In this series, we learn how we can recognize our own shadows, step more into the light, and receive comfort from the eternal King. Please refer to this Bible Project video for helpful context on how to read biblical narratives and how to relate with characters in the Bible.
Do you secretly wonder if there is more to your faith and to your life? Do you feel stuck in the same cycles of unbelief, apathy, addiction, and inconsistency? In this Eastertide series, we explore the doctrine of our Union with Christ, and how this often misunderstood and overlooked gospel theme is key to true transformation. In Christ we rise!
Should I take this job? Marry this person? Make this move? Go to this school? Lease or buy? Stay or leave? With so many decisions that the Bible doesn’t explicitly address, how can we know what to do? According to Proverbs, applying the answer to one simple question is more valuable than gold. It can keep also keep you from years of unnecessary pain and regret. In this 12-week series, we’ll spend time in Proverbs and other wisdom scriptures to learn to live well in God’s world.
Major building projects are often inaugurated by a ground-breaking ceremony. A small crowd gathers as someone cuts the ribbon and a CEO pretends to shovel dirt while posing for a pic. From there, building commences, plans are activated, and completion is only a matter of time. The laborers will now live ‘In-Between’ the Already and Not Yet. The end is in sight, but there may be sorrow along the way. The Kingdom of God is very similar. The season of Advent (Latin for “coming” or “visit”) is a time for us to remember that the Kingdom project began at Christ’s first coming. And yet, we actively await the completion of that project at Christ’s second coming. In this Advent series, we explore what it means to ‘Live In-Between’ that space of the Already and not yet Kingdom.
We often say, “God is always present and is always working.” So why don't we experience God’s presence more? Our 24/7 hyper connectivity so easily drowns out the voice of the Divine. Amidst all the noise, how can we discern God's presence? In this 8-week series called ‘Practicing the Presence,’ we hope to provide tools for our church to train in the habit of practicing ongoing awareness and intimacy with God in order to have greater impact on our city.
Believing the gospel must begin somewhere, but doesn’t end there. Believing in or ‘Trusting’ Jesus through the gospel is a daily choice that brings salvation and transformation. In this three week series we’ll explore what it looks like to live a life of faith as Believers in Christ.
If your church could get a personalized letter from the King of the Cosmos, what would it say? How do our priorities line up with his? By studying Revelation 2-3, we get to eavesdrop on Jesus’s “love letters” to seven churches in the late first century whose circumstances are not unlike our own.
The word ‘benediction’ seems old and out of touch. But whether we realize it or not, each of us have been radically affected by the power of words-positively or negatively. We listen to so many words that don't bring life. In this short series, Bruce Cooke explores how we can build our lives on good words from God to us in the ‘benedictions’ of the Bible.
Who is the Holy Spirit. Some underemphasize the Spirit. It’s why some call the Spirit, "the forgotten member of the Trinity." Others seem to overemphasize the Spirit, and mostly associating themselves with the supernatural gifts of the Spirit. In this Eastertide series leading up to Pentecost Sunday, we explore who the Holy Spirit is, what the Spirit does and how we can actually be led by the spirit.
The six weeks of Lent commemorate the 40 days that Jesus spent in the wilderness fighting temptation. But long before Jesus, Moses led God’s people into the wild. The second half of Exodus marks the beginning 40 years time enduring immense trials and temptations in the wilderness. In this Lenten series we explore the back half of Exodus and explore what it means to live into the way of Jesus in the wilderness.
Historically, the six weeks of Epiphany commemorate the liberating ministry of Jesus the Messiah. But long before Jesus, Moses’ ministry foreshadowed the Messiah’s work of rescuing people from oppression and addiction. Moses’ story anticipates the story of Jesus in many ways; but it also unveils our story; it anticipates our ultimate exodus from death, disease, oppression, addiction and self destruction. As we explore the first part of Exodus we long to encounter the true liberator--the One who alone can deliver us.
The old hymn ‘Come, Thou Long expected Jesus’ captures the essence of the Advent season. For centuries Israel awaited a King who would rescue them from the curse of oppression, injustice and death. Advent is a season to celebrate. During the four weeks of Advent leading up to Christmas we celebrate the birth of that King. But Advent isn’t just a season of celebration, it’s also a season of anticipation. We anticipate the arrival, the advent of this resurrected king once again.
The life of Joseph is filled with dreams, destiny and family dysfunction. Maybe you can relate? Although his pain multiplies, Joseph appears to recognize God at work even in the midst of life altering problems. He’s able to dismantle the dysfunction in his life and leave a legacy of love. In this series we explore the way this story points to the Lord Jesus, and the way it intersects with our lives.
Modern relationships seem to have swirled into a typhoon of disappointment. With so many competing narratives about how to approach romantic, friendship, parenting, and work relationships, it’s hard to know which way is up. In this series we search for a true north to guide us through the tumultuous waters of relationships, and we explore what scripture has to say about how we redeem relationships.
Even with all of her baggage, the Bride of Christ is still beautiful to God...But why? What makes her lovely? From Ephesians, we explore who the church is and what she is becoming. Renewed identity, racial harmony, overcoming shame, dealing with addiction, spiritual battle, and faith and work, are just a few of topics we’ll survey in this rich book.
The book of Revelation, while oftentimes seen as some sort of secret puzzle book, is actually more like a picture book. It is not so much concerned with the end of the world as it is with how to live faithfully in the world in the here and now. Ultimately its central message is the same as every other book in the Bible—Jesus Christ and his kingdom. When we learn to read Revelation in this way, focusing on its central message of Jesus, we discover how to imagine the kingdom and live faithfully as the people of Jesus in this present passing age.
Hearing is the first sense we develop and the last to go in death. But listening is not a natural capacity. The Bible is clear on this point. We do not automatically listen to God, others, or even ourselves. This Lenten season, we hope to really learn to listen—to God, to others, to our world and to ourselves for our transformation and for the sake of mission.
The vision for Reality Boston has always been to advance joy as apprentices of Jesus. But like the ancient church in Philippi, keeping that as our main mission can be harder in person than on paper. The Church in Philippi began because a few apprentices of Jesus advanced joy in their city and beyond. As we explore Paul’s ancient letter to the Philippian church, we discover what it looks like for apprentices to advance joy together.
Advent is a season of remembering Christ's first advent ('coming') and anticipating his second. Jesus told his followers just before his death and resurrection that he went to prepare a place for them. In this Advent season we explore Jesus's promise as we walk through John 14.
What makes the Christian faith unique? Why is it so radically different from any other religion or self-help philosophy? According to the gospel of John, it’s Jesus. John’s gospel is written so that humanity would believe that Jesus is the Messiah King, and by believing, we might find life in Him. In this 12-week series we hope to immerse ourselves in the person of Jesus and to explore how we can truly live!
The Psalms are a collection Hebrew songs and prayers—each with a different theme used to teach God’s people to pray from the heart. In this summer series we explore various kinds of Psalms in the hopes that we too can find freedom in singing and praying from the heart.
What is the good life? Who can find it, and how do we become that person? In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus addresses these questions in extremely practical ways. In this series we hope to discover how we are meant to read these words, how we can possibly live these words, and why we would even want to.
The Apostles' Creed offers a summary of the gospel. It lays a foundation for mission. In this Lenten series, we follow the outline of the creed as we seek to gain a language for faith.
In this series we explore why we should base our lives on the Bible, why we can trust the Bible, and a framework for dealing with tough questions regarding the Bible.
Jesus’s words in John 15 offer us a way to move beyond futility (lives without meaning) into fruitfulness (lives with lasting meaning). Becoming a fruitful community isn’t achieved through self-building but in abiding; learning to make our true home in Jesus as he makes his home in us.
The name Emmanuel means ‘God with us’. We celebrate the God who became man in his first Advent ('coming') and await his second Advent. And not just any kind of waiting - it’s active waiting. It’s the kind of waiting where our community is shaped into a new society, and begins to reflect the ethics of a kingdom that both has and is yet to arrive.
This series explores some 'ways of being' that have, and we hope continue to, shape our culture as a church family. In this series we hope to both communicate some things we value, and to cultivate a culture that embodies these ways of being.
The New Testament paints the church as God's special plan to bring new life into the world. But what does the church actually do? In this series we explore the nature of the church, what makes the church the church, and the hope it offers to us and to the world.
This sermon series in the book of Acts explores what it means to be a people marked by the Holy Spirit, for the sake of the world.
What does it mean to be a new creature in Christ? During the 50 days of Eastertide, we will explore how our faith in the risen Christ transfers us from death to life, and transforms us into the image of Christ in order to bring life to a dying world.
What does it look like to make space for God to speak, work and move in community and in our lives? During this Lenten season we centered around different ways we make space for God to work in our lives.
The season of Advent is a season of reflection and anticipation, of waiting and preparation. And what do we wait and prepare for? Joy. Joy for the whole world.
What would it look like if we prayed as Jesus taught us? What would it look like if, every day, we prayed the Lords Prayer before we 'jumped in'? This sermon series walks the Lords Prayer line by line. Throughout the sermon series, additional resources were provided, available here.
What does it look like to advance joy in our lives, our families, our church and our city? This 4 week sermon series explores how true joy is advanced.
What does an ancient account of an obscure story teach us about who we really are, and how to rise from our fans self? This 4 week sermon series studies through the Old Testament book of Jonah.
This sermon sub series continues in the larger series 'The Recovery of Humanity', a look at the larger story of the Bible and the purpose behind it all.
This sermon sub series continues in the larger series 'The Recovery of Humanity', a look at the larger story of the Bible and the purpose behind it all.
This sermon sub series continues in the larger series 'The Recovery of Humanity', a look at the larger story of the Bible and the purpose behind it all.
This sermon sub series continues in the larger series 'The Recovery of Humanity', a look at the larger story of the Bible and the purpose behind it all.
Various sermons outside of a regular sermon series.
Teachers include a variety of individuals, all noted.