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Psalms of Ascent

“The Christian life is a climb—a journey of constant growth, sacrifice, and trusting God for what we cannot see. As Eugene Peterson said, we are pilgrims, but we are also disciples—always moving and always learning” (She Reads Truth blog). “To ascend” means to step up or come out. The Psalms of Ascent (Psalms 120-134) were sung by worshipers making their annual pilgrimage up to Jerusalem to celebrate three important Jewish festivals. These psalms envision the day when Israel will come out of their foreign exile, when the Messiah will finally bring deliverance and restore Jerusalem to glory and peace.

As Christians, the Psalms of Ascent remind us that our worship is not shaped by the current realities of our world but by the hope of the kingdom that is to come. Our hope for this series is that our church would become a people whose lives demonstrate an unrelenting commitment to living in the way of Jesus regardless of the trial or season we find ourselves in.


Sermon series are shown in order of latest to oldest. Please note: This page shows only our most recent sermon series.

Advancing God’s mission

Pentecost is the church’s birthday, a day that the Holy Spirit descended on the followers of Jesus and disrupted their everyday lives and the world around them. Throughout the book of Acts we see the mission of God at work through the church and the followers of Jesus for: Salvation, Healing, Hospitality, Reconciliation, through a new multiethnic movement, empowered by the Spirit. We will spend the next year in this great book gleaning how the church was started and what it might look like for us to be a church that advances God’s mission in the world.

We are Priests

When we think of what a priest is, we often think of a small, select group of people, who probably wear a collar and work exclusively for God or a church. However, we find in the New Testament, that after Jesus was crucified the veil to the Temple was torn and access to God was made available to all who put their faith in Jesus. The book of First Peter says that we all are now a ‘royal priesthood’. Over the next 6 weeks we will look at this passage in 1 Peter 2 and see what it means to be a priest and what God’s vision is for us as we go into the world.


We all want more, in the economy of the Kingdom death brings life. The Resurrection is made possible through the cross. Our way forward as citizens of the Kingdom is to die to self and carry our cross. We will spend the next 6 weeks [40 days] on a path of descent in a way of formation and preparation of the life God wants to bring to us and to our world.


Jesus told his disciples that there are plenty of things to get worried and anxious about in this life, but instead of letting those things consume us, we ought to channel our desires for satisfaction to a full on pursuit of God and his priorities. It’s from that place of pursuit that God meets us, satisfies our longings, and brings us more than enough of what we need. 

Advent Together 2020

Advent is a spiritual journey that Christians take through the truths of Scripture that point to the birth of Messiah-- it’s a reaffirmation that he has come, is present in the world today, and will come again in glory. It mirrors the journey of faith that Christians make after that moment of realization and acceptance of who Jesus is, in that we take that first step of faith in commitment, continue hopefully to walk the road of faith and increasing understanding, and look forward to our destination, which is to be in his presence forever! 

“The Lord is coming, always coming. When you have ears to hear and eyes to see, you will recognize him at any moment of your life. Life is Advent; life is recognizing the coming of the Lord.”

- Henri Nouwen

The Life of Joshua

For much of human history we have lived in an in-between, a place of tension. We are glad that we’re not where we were at one point; yet we still

find ourselves short of the destination where we long to be. We have a vision of where we are supposed to be that is so much better than the present, but we have not arrived. 

In the story of Joshua we find a bigger story. The story of God and His people who He has already freed from Egypt. God promised them a better Land with blessing, protection, and prosperity. And although they are on the cusp, they find themselves not fully experiencing it’s fullness yet. 

Over the next 10 weeks we will look at the person of Joshua and how God aligned a people to walk in sync with Him through an in-between time into His preferred future for them.